PURPLE not only provides basic functions for game players, including text and voice chats, online bulletins, etc., but also embeds the functions exclusively available on the platform. For instance, it is launching functions including “Boss Timer”, managing the acquired items and boss times, “Purple On”, enabling users to play games through streaming, and other functions specialized for playing of NC’s games, including “Purple Live” and “Purple Reward”, on a step-by-step basis. Among them, I am mainly responsible for development of PURPLE’s chatting service which has started from “NCSOFT Developers Party”, NC’s conference for sharing of development knowledge, and NC’s internal services like townhall meeting. The service has been gradually sophisticated, and it now utilizes large-sized local databases of browsers. It also provides interoperability to real-time game chats, which are considered a sophisticated technology exclusively available through PURPLE.
PURPLE has a special meaning to me, since I have participated in its development from creation of its basic structure. I feel rewarded, as the platform is seeing an increase in the number of users and is serviced in a stable manner two years after the launch.