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    2023.06.27 ESG

    NC [GREEN] PLAY: A Fun Game-Like Environmental Campaign

    NC [WITH] PLAY is a social contribution project initiated by NC to extend the joy of fun to a wider audience, going beyond boundless imagination. Through various themes and formats, NC [WITH] PLAY has brought enjoyment to local communities. It all began with NC [CODE] PLAY, a coding training activity for the younger generation in the Seongnam area, followed by NC [DONATION] PLAY, a blood donation campaign. Currently, NC [WITH] PLAY is engaged in NC [D&I] PLAY, which involves creating braille fairy tale books for children with visual impairments.

    In May, NC organized “NC [GREEN] PLAY”, an environmental campaign that involved active participation from all NC employees. NC deeply understands the significance of environmental management and has undertaken numerous efforts to implement its own environmental management practices. In line with these efforts, NC [GREEN] PLAY was launched to promote awareness about the importance and value of environmental protection through small everyday actions. This article provides a detailed overview of the journey of NC [GREEN] PLAY.

    Creating a Green Play Zone in the NC Headquarters

    NC’s goal with the NC [GREEN] PLAY campaign was to communicate a message that environmental protection doesn’t have to be a weighty or overwhelming concept. Instead, it can be embraced as a lighter notion where enjoyable daily habits effortlessly contribute to preserving the environment. Moreover, the campaign was crafted to align with the vision of NC [WITH] PLAY, a social contribution initiative centered around spreading joy. The aim was to ensure that people had a delightful experience throughout their involvement in environmental protection activities.

    First, NC created the “Green Play Zone” within the company’s headquarters, providing employees with a space to partake in a range of activities. In this zone, NC devised location-specific missions that encourage the reduction of carbon emissions in everyday life. Notably, a reusable net bag was awarded to the “Best Green Player” among the participating employees, simulating the sense of joy often associated with receiving rewards upon completing quests in games. These efforts were aimed at fostering sustained interest in environmental protection even after the conclusion of the campaign.

    To promote carbon emission reduction activities and encourage environmental protection practices, Green Play Zones have been established in various spaces within the office building.

    At the Green Play pop-up booth, an engaging activity called the “Green Play Tendency Test” was organized to help employees gain insights into their individual environmental inclinations. By associating participants with characters from NC games, the test enabled them to identify their unique environmental tendencies. Based on these character types such as Lord, Knight, Elf, and Magician, participants received personalized recommendations for light eco-friendly activities. Additionally, vegan snacks and stainless steel straws were provided to enhance the overall experience for the participants.

    For the campaign, NC set up a promotional pop-up booth to raise awareness among employees about eco-friendly activities.

    The Green Play Tendency Test, where employees can discover their individual environmental protection inclinations.

    Stainless steel straw (left) and reusable net bag (right) given to employees who participated in NC [GREEN] PLAY.

    Throughout the duration of NC [GREEN] PLAY, informative environmental message videos addressing critical issues like global warming and desertification were displayed on screens placed within the company headquarters. Following the conclusion of NC [GREEN] PLAY, the outcomes of employees’ endeavors to reduce carbon emissions were shared, emphasizing the significance of small everyday actions in environmental preservation.

    An environmental message video created using original illustrations from Blade & Soul.

    NC aimed to encourage the employees’ ongoing participation in environmental protection activities by sharing the reduced carbon emissions achieved through NC [GREEN] PLAY.

    Planting Trees in Changwon NC Park with the Future Generation

    With the aim of spreading eco-friendly values to a wider audience, NC strategically organized environmental protection activities in Changwon, Gyeongnam, the hometown of NC Dinos, in collaboration with the local community and the future generation. On May 27th, NC employees joined forces with the Jr. Dinos Club, the youth representatives of Changwon, at the Changwon NC Park. The event commenced with an icebreaking session between the NC employees and the Jr. Dinos Club, followed by an enlightening lecture on the significance of environmental protection.

    Following that, a tree planting initiative was carried out at the family park located in front of Changwon NC Park. Careful consideration was given to the selection of tree species based on the surrounding environment, with three to four-year-old crepe-myrtle saplings chosen for the planting. NC employees and the Jr. Dinos Club teamed up in pairs, successfully planting a total of 15 saplings. After the completion of the tree planting activity, they enjoyed a memorable time by watching a baseball game. We anticipate that the eco-friendly space established by NC, in collaboration with the future generation, will serve as a valuable sanctuary for the citizens of Changwon and lay the foundation for spreading the principles of eco-friendliness throughout the local community.

    Inspiring Environmental Consciousness in Daily Life

    Real change in environmental protection can only be achieved when individuals within our society go beyond mere awareness and actively engage in sustainable practices. Recognizing this, NC has a steadfast commitment to carry out diverse activities both within and outside the company that emphasize the significance and values of environmental protection. NC will tirelessly strive to enable more individuals to incorporate environmentally conscious actions into their daily lives.