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    2024.01.17 THRONE AND LIBERTY

    THRONE AND LIBERTY Features Significant Enhancements for an Improved Gameplay Experience

    TL introduced convenience systems such as the ‘Skill Switching System,’ allowing effortless primary weapon changes through simple transfer of skill progression stats.

    TL enhances gameplay with server consolidation, elevating party dungeon matching and guild organization for a more polished gaming experience.

    The ‘New World, Double Up’ event continues through January 31, offering players double rewards for ‘Contract Tokens: Dimensions.’

    NCSOFT brought significant updates for its latest MMORPG THRONE AND LIBERTY (TL) to improve the overall gaming experience for players.

    Incorporating systems introduced in the recent live stream on January 10, TL now features several convenience improvements. The ‘Skill Quick Slot Set’ feature is available to all players, enabling seamless switching and utilization of customized skill sets by play conditions. Additionally, the ‘Skill Switching System allows for the transfer of skill progression stats across skills, allowing for effortless primary weapon changes.

    TL has consolidated its servers, bringing down the previous total of 21 servers to a more efficient 10 servers. This consolidation is aimed at achieving a more balanced distribution of players, ultimately enhancing the overall gaming experience. The focus is particularly on improving features such as party dungeon matching and guild organization. Notably, players’ character names, items, battle & leveling pass details, as well as guild names and levels, will not be affected and will remain unchanged. However, as part of this transition, the activity ranking, the kill ranking points, and the guild ranking points will be reset.

    The ‘New World, Double Up’ event will continue through January 31, providing players with the opportunity to earn double rewards for participating in battles against field and arch bosses, as well as for the hourly production of Boonstone and Riftstone. This event also entails the doubling of guild activity points and ‘Contract Tokens: Dimensions,’ crucial for unlocking the ‘Paola’s Dimension Circle’ reward box.

    For more information, please visit the TL’s official website.