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    2023.12.01 THRONE AND LIBERTY

    THRONE AND LIBERTY Set to Launch in Korea on December 7 at 8 PM

    In its fifth Producer’s Letter, TL divulged a detailed launch schedule with excitement for the forthcoming release.

    Producer Jongok Ahn remarked, “We have chosen the launch time to enable as many players as possible to embark on their TL experience altogether.”

    The pre-download option for the launch client will be accessible starting December 4 at 11 AM (GMT/UTC+9).

    NCSOFT, a global premier developer and publisher, has officially revealed that its highly anticipated flagship MMORPG, THRONED AND LIBERTY (TL), is set to launch in Korea on December 7 at 20:00 (GMT/UTC+9).


    Jongok Ahn, lead producer of TL, unveiled the games exact release time in the fifth Producer’s Letter. Producer Ahn explained, “We chose 20:00 as TL’s launch time to enable as many players as possible to embark on their TL experience altogether after everyone’s day of work.”


    Starting from December 4 at 11:00 (GMT/UTC+9), all users can pre-download the launch client. Producer Ahn emphasized, “Given the substantial size of the client, we recommend pre-installing the client to ensure a seamless experience for everyone at launch.” The character pre-creation is available until midnight on December 3.


    The Solisium’s Pioneer Package is currently available for purchase, featuring a range of benefits. Producer Ahn highlighted, “The key to the package is skins and cosmetics.” He added, “We have prepared this to serve as an opportunity to showcase a combination of TLs flagship item lineups and receive players’ feedback.”


    Expressing his excitement, Producer Ahn stated, “We are thrilled that TL will soon be available to the world, and we sincerely hope that all users will relish TL in the best optimal condition in just two weeks.”


    For more information, please visit the TL’s official website.