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    2024.01.18 THRONE AND LIBERTY

    THRONE AND LIBERTY Unveils Details of the First 'Siege Warfare' in February and Outlines Upcoming Updates

    TL’s first Siege Warfare is coming in February, announced in the latest Producer’s Letter highlighting core content.

    TL introduces unique massive battle features such as ‘Siege Golems,’ ‘Sewer Invasion,’ and ‘Glide from the Gigantrite.’

    The ‘Attributes Integrated’ update is set for January 31, strategically designed to avoid the fixation of specific weapon combinations.

    NCSOFT today unveiled the plans for and what to expect from the first Siege Warfare event in its seventh Producer’s Letter.


    Siege Warfare unfolds as a large-scale PvP spectacle, with players vying for dominance over Stonegard Castle. This event is slated to take place sequentially on each server starting in early February. The triumphant guild in Siege Warfare stands to reap rewards from the accumulated taxes. Players must navigate strategic choices, factoring two siege types: ‘Plunder Ground Conquest,’ enabling the theft of taxes during the warfare, and ‘Tax Delivery,’ involving the transportation of taxes post-siege.


    NCSOFT has introduced a distinctive battle system for TL’s Siege Warfare, offering players a range of dynamic features during battles. These include:

    • Summoning four distinct types of ‘Siege Golems’ capable of launching direct castle attacks or transporting a character to a castle's summit.

    • ‘Sewer Invasion,’ providing strategic access by leveraging unique weather conditions.

    • Glide from the ‘Gigantrite,’ a colossal airborne whale

    For more information, please visit the official Siege Warfare guide available on TL's YouTube channel.


    TL is gearing up for the ‘Attributes Integrated’ update on January 31. Following this update, the attack options of items, including hit, critical hit, and heavy attack chance, will enjoy universal compatibility across all weapon types – whether melee, ranged, or magical. Producer Jongok Ahn emphasized, “This update was designed intentionally to break away from fixed weapon combinations, providing players the flexibility to freely choose two out of seven weapons.” He further highlighted, “The adjustments to equipment stats will be selectively applied to a limited range of items, preventing any abrupt decline in item value.”


    In closing the letter, Producer Ahn commented, “The delight and satisfaction of players serve as the primary motivation for the developers, inspiring them to redouble their efforts.” Additionally, he reassured, "Plans for exciting new content will be announced soon."


    For more information, please visit the TL’s official website.