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    2023.10.17 THRONE AND LIBERTY

    THROND AND LIBERTY Releases Third Producer’s Letter along with Teaser for its Online Showcase on November 2

    Producer Jongok Ahn said, “We will answer our players’ questions and present the enhancements we have been working on.”

    “Absolutely determined to ensure the level of completeness with substantial volume to the fullest – also introducing new large-scale raids, numerous regional events, bosses, dungeons, and more.”

    Ahead of its official launch in December, TL will participate in the G-Star 2023 and offer a demo of TL’s improved version

    NCSOFT, a global premier developer and publisher, unveiled THRONE AND LIBERTY’s (hereafter TL) third Producer’s Letter on its official website along with an announcement for its online showcase.


    On November 2, NCSOFT will host the TL online showcase at 11:00 AM KST. Jongok Ahn, lead producer of TL, mentioned in the Letter, “During the online showcase, we will show the enhancements we have been working on. We will also answer various questions from our players – such as those related to our business models and detailed contents – left on the ‘Message to TL’ board and community on the official website.”


    In the Letter, NCSOFT also shared TL’s current development status. Producer Ahn said, “We are preparing two distinct regions, two large-scale raids with completely different mechanisms, numerous regional events, bosses, dungeons, and additional features.” He also emphasized, “We are absolutely determined to ensure the level of completeness in TL with substantial volume to the fullest, driven by our dev team's dedication.”


    Ahead of its launch in December, TL will participate in the G-Star 2023, an international game exhibition held at BEXCO in Busan, South Korea. At G-Star, developers will take the stage to demonstrate the improved version of a game driven by the players’ feedback, such as removing auto-combat and substantial changes to the combat system.


    Producer Ahn concluded the Letter with gratitude, stating, "We deeply appreciate your invaluable feedback and guidance. We are committed to giving our utmost effort to keep our promises.” The next upcoming Producer’s Letter will lay out further details on its launch plans.


    For more details about the Producer’s Letter, please visit the TL’s official website.